Thank You Greenway Volunteers!

8, Jan, 2015 Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy

Now that 2015 has begun, it’s time to look back at 2014 for reflection on our volunteer program. The Conservancy’s volunteer program began in earnest in 2010 and has been growing steadily each year, providing support for our organic horticulture, park maintenance and public programs initiatives, as well as all the behind-the-scenes work in the office!


We held over 100 group projects out on the Greenway this year! This group from EnerNoc helped maintain the North End boxwood beds.




2014: By The Numbers

  • 848 volunteers provided over 3200 hours of service
  • Time-wise, that is the equivalent of more than 1.5 full-time staff
  • Money-wise, that is the equivalent of over $86,000 of donated time (The Independent Sector values a volunteer hour in Massachusetts at $27.00)

On our Earth Day Clean-Up, groups worked throughout the park to clean benches and signs, clean up litter, and get the parks in great shape for spring!

2014: By the Feedback

Our horticulture volunteer events make up over 70% of our total volunteer hours so we ask those volunteers to fill out a post-event survey to give us some feedback. We got some great results!

  • 100% of surveyed volunteers rated their overall experience positively, with 92% saying it was “excellent”
  • Over 80% of surveyed volunteers agreed that their experience increased their knowledge in several different areas, including organic landscape practices and awareness of Greenway activities
  • When asked how they will use what they learned today, 93% of surveyed volunteers said they would recommend volunteering on the Greenway to others and 42% said they would implement gardening practices in their own yard!
  • And here’s a few of our favorite volunteer quotes:
      • “SO MUCH FUN!” –June 2014
      • “Everyone was so friendly and knowledgeable – I felt like I learned some good stuff all while having a great time!” –August 2014
      • “The highlight of my experience was interacting with the citizens of Boston who inquired about our volunteer work and walked away either impressed or with a smile on their face.” –September 2014

    Long-time volunteer Peter helps with hand-removal of lawn weeds.

    2014: By the Pictures

    And of course, nothing is more rewarding than seeing volunteers smiling and having fun!


    Recurring volunteers from United Way and Falcon Investment Advisors helped in the Dewey Demonstration Garden throughout the growing season.


    Bank of America high school interns were so much fun!


    Margi contributed over 60 hours this year, helping with horticulture projects and tracking bloom data for our phenology records.



    During spring clean-ups, the discovery of a praying mantis egg sack showed the impact of our organic program.



    Teens from the Southwest Boston Community Development Center helped combat nutsedge in the Ft. Point Channel Parks.

    Thank you to everyone that volunteered with us this year; your time and effort makes a true difference both on the Greenway and in the lives of those who work for the Conservancy. In 2015, we’re looking forward to a new volunteer database, support for the upcoming Janet Echelman sculpture, the introduction of a creative media arts volunteer team, and much more!

    Learn more about our volunteer program here, or email me at [email protected]. Happy New Year!