Mary Soo Hoo Park Improvement Celebration
Join us Thursday, October 19th from 4:30p – 6p to celebrate the upcoming Mary Soo Hoo Park improvements. Come learn about the collaborative community process, the new equipment, additions and updates happening, and enjoy live performances from Boston Music Project and Play activities with AVOYCE. Light refreshments and snacks will be served.
歡迎大家參與10月19日下午4:30至6:00司徒麗英公園升級項目的慶祝活動。你將有機會了解整個社區咨詢的互動過程,新設備和其他更新,以及欣賞由Boston Music Project帶來的音樂表演以及AVOYCE主持的兒童活動。活動將會有小食提供。