Hatchlings Winter Lights: A Q&A With Studio HHH

6, Dec, 2023

Photo Credit: Studio HHH

This winter, The Greenway presents “Hatchlings”, a winter light activation in partnership with Studio HHH. We sat down with them to learn more about the activation, what inspired the concept, and the process of making it all come to life.

Tell us a little bit more about Studio HHH’s work

We love designing projects at the intersection of art, architecture, and technology. Our work ranges in scale and complexity, from small temporary activations to large permanent art installations. Some of our projects are designed for corporate clients, like the large LED screens shaped like three heads on the side of the Puma building in Somerville. While others are temporary activations created for cultural institutions, such as the Peabody Essex Museum or Mass MoCA in the Berkshires. One of our favorite things is to use our knowledge of creative tech to design public projection installations, like we did for Emerson College or at One Congress. These public projections provide an opportunity to include a wide range of artists in every installation, not just our studio’s work. 

What inspired the Hatchlings concept?

Every project begins with a story and a purpose. In this case, the story is about intertwining two pieces of Boston’s iconic history – the Hatch Memorial Shell and the story Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey. We have long admired the elegant design of the Hatch Memorial Shell, and have long found the name to be curiously unique. Searching for a whimsical angle, we began exploring the concept of what if the Hatch Shell hatched shells? This made us think of the famous ducklings Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, and Quack. This seemed so playful and fun, we couldn’t resist pursuing the idea. 


Photo Credit: Studio HHH

Why are you interested in working on a project in a public park?

The idea of working in a public park aligns perfectly with our mission at Studio HHH. The natural environment, the diversity of spaces, and the need to consider sustainability all make designing within the context of a public park a rich and dynamic context for our work. Because experiencing art on the Greenway is free and open to the public, it provides us the opportunity to reach a wider audience and supports our passion for making art accessible to everyone. The Greenway Conservancy is showing us every day that parks are not just green spaces; they’re vibrant hubs of community life and culture that offer a unique canvas and context to experience art in the outdoors. 

What connections do you see between the Esplanade and The Greenway?

These two green corridors contribute to Boston’s identity as a city that values its public spaces and fosters a sense of community and well-being, elevating general quality of life in the city and creating a more interconnected urban experience. This project is intended to be explored across both parks, creating a conceptual bridge between these two organizations. One day, we would love to see these two public spaces connected physically to encourage sustainable and active transportation, such as walking or biking, enhancing the city’s commitment to green mobility. 

Learn more about Studio HHH on their website and see The Hatchlings on The Greenway now through February!