UMass March on the Greenway

28, Aug, 2014 Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy

The UMass Amherst Minuteman Marching Band took the Greenway by horn, I mean storm, yesterday, rallying fans and curious onlookers for the season kickoff  “Battle for the Bay State” vs. Boston College (Aug 30th 3pm).  Making an impressive entrance at the Greenway Carousel and continuing down through North End and Warf District Parks, they painted green spaces maroon with lively renditions of popular favorites, including “Hey Baby” (originally written by Bruce Channel in 1961 and played here, obviously, in honor of Ms. Rose Kennedy and her honorary Greenway).

And speaking of tooting horns, the Greenway Carousel has just hit 125 thousand riders for the year! We’re so thrilled to hear stories about the Carousel, including these awesome blog posts from Good Morning Gloucester and Foster and Feed! Let’s keep this Carousel rally marching at the upcoming Park’d event on Sept 9th!