Parting Words: A Greenway Goodbye
Written by Jesse Brackenbury, Executive Director
As I wind down my Parting Words series, focused on the Greenway Conservancy’s work over the past decade to make The Greenway a leader in park sustainability, vibrancy, and innovation, I want to conclude with the personal impacts of working for the Conservancy.
The Greenway has been so important for my family. I’ve worked at the Conservancy longer than any other job I’ve ever had. When I joined in 2009, I had a one-year-old son; a year later, when my twins were born, I was the first person to take parental leave from the young nonprofit organization. I’ve been at the Conservancy for 11½ years; the park is 12; and my kids are 12, 10, and 10 – so we’ve all grown up together.
My kids have aged up from playing in the gentle North End fountains to playing in the more dramatic Rings Fountain.
They were on the very first spin of the Greenway Carousel at The Tiffany & Co. Foundation Grove and loved riding the zipline.
The art has changed …
… but my twins still love Roxy’s Grilled Cheese.
It has been a place of wonder and joy for my son and for all of us.
Thank you to all of you who’ve made it a really special experience. I feel very lucky to have met and worked with some incredibly talented people. I will miss all of the staff and Board and volunteers and community members who have given so much to make this a sustainable, vibrant, innovative park.
So let’s toast a great park: