Summer is back, and so are activities!
Summer has returned to the Greenway, and so have free summer activities! In an effort to promote a healthy, more vibrant community, the Rose Kennedy Greenway offers a several opportunities for free exercise and enjoyment.
Yo-Chi with Suzanne Brownell of Health Thyself is a fusion of Yoga and Chi-Gung and not only increases strength, but encourages mind-body awareness. (Wharf District Parks, 8am-8:45pm)
Exercise and socialize with Fitness Walking, a weekly walking group that meets in Dewey Square Plaza. (Dewey Square Plaza, 12pm-12:45pm)
Game On! puts the ‘break’ back in ‘lunch break,’ bringing fun backyard games to you, your co-workers, and friends. (Wharf District Parks, 12pm-2pm)
Looking for a place to cool off after all that activity? Escape the hot summer weather at the Rings Fountain or Harbor Fog, both in the Wharf District Parks.
*A special thank you to State Street for sponsoring our summer activities.