After the Snow Storm

13, Jan, 2011 Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy

There is nothing quite like waking up to a silent city beneath a blanket of snow. Anticipation and excitement fill the air with hopes for a snow day. The sight of the Greenway transformed into a clean, white corridor cutting through the urban scape of Boston is breathtaking.  The peacefulness hovers for mere moments until the plows begin their work and the pristine blanket is disturbed.

While most of us enjoyed a snow day at home during Wednesday’s storm, there were many hard at work trying to keep the streets and sidewalks of Boston safe. The Greenway maintenance staff braved the elements to make sure our park paths were accessible, safe and navigable. Additionally, they protected the parks’ natural resources by using environmentally friendly “Magic Salt” to melt the ice and gave snow-laden branches a gentle shake so they wouldn’t snap under the weight of heavy ice and snow.

Today, we will shift our attention to making sure the benches, signs and trash receptacles are accessible to the public and that our staff has access to vaults, cabinets and other special operations areas.

Here are some images illustrating yesterday’s work:

When the Greenway crew got to work Wednesday morning, the blizzard was still blowing strong. It was a challenge to keep the pathways clear as the snow continued to fall.

Seen here, the North End Parks Pergola.

We kept snow blowing away along the 1.5 miles of the Greenway.

Snow blowing the paths on the Greenway.

And plowing.

Seen here, Fort Point Channel Parks in front of the InterContinental Boston

After a long day of hard work and persistence, the pathways are clear.

Seen here, the Light Blades in the Wharf District Parks.